Collaborative Author Projects

What is “Co-Authoring”?

Co-authoring or “collaborative authoring” is when multiple authors write one chapter inside a book on a pre-determined topic. Your main objective is to write between 2000-4000 words, submit it, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Co-authoring allows you to become a published author without having to write an entire book or take on all the costs of self-publishing, which can easily cost five figures and hours of time and energy to figure out.

Why Co-Author?

Writing a book is a huge project. From start to finish, completing a full manuscript — even if it’s a small(er) manuscript of 20, 30, or 50k words — requires an abundance of time and energy, and it can be a very isolating and lonely experience.
Then, when you’ve finally accomplished that long writing process, you either need to find a literary agent and attempt getting signed to a traditional publishing house, or attempt to self-publish it yourself.

Some of you are meant for the path of writing a full book yourself — and if so, keep going! You CAN do it!

BUT…some of you are overwhelmed at the prospect of writing thousands and thousands of words only to be left with the uncertainty of trying to get it traditionally published or navigating how to self-publish it on your own, spending thousands of your own dollars in order to do so, and getting blocked by fatigue, analysis paralysis, lonliness or self-doubt along the way.

If that’s you…co-authoring is the perfect “happy medium: solution.

Okay, how does it work?

Just 2-3k words on a predetermined topic

Get support inside your author group and from your lead author along the way

Complete and submit your chapter by the predetermined due date, and LeadHer Publishing will take care of the rest, turning your chapter & your fellow coauthor’s chapters into one beautifully designed book — hands free for you.

The easiest way to become an author this year.

Official Trailer: Body Bliss

BODY BLISS is a three book series that showcases uncensored, vulnerable, and honest stories from 30+ women on their journey to body acceptance. In a world that is constantly telling us we need to change…we can instead be the change

We all hear the noise, but the more we talk about it, our shared voices will begin to drown it out and welcome in... BODY BLISS.

Official Trailer: Honest as a Mother

Honest as a Mother is a three book series that focuses on personal experiences in motherhood. Honest as a Mother is a collection of experiences to showcase these moments. The real moments. The highs, the lows, and the challenges we didn’t anticipate.

This is a place where we’re sharing things openly, honestly, and by association, vulnerably. This book was written by mothers, for mothers - with the intention of helping mothers everywhere, in every stage, know they are enough and what they are going through matters.

Official Trailer: Handling Hard Stuff

Handling Hard Stuff is a compilation of stories and experiences from women who have gone through a wide range of "hard stuff" and have lived to tell about it.

Each story explores how to live through and learn from difficult life situations, and it will help you see that you aren't the only one learning to navigate the hard stuff.

It will help you see the lessons in your mess, find a silver lining in a dark cloud, and create purpose and intention where was once only struggle and strife.

Official Trailer: How To Be The Badass Woman You Were Born To Be

You were born to do big things, you've just been taught to play small. In How To Be The Badass Woman You Were Born To Be, you'll learn tried and true mindset shifts, tools and strategies used by real badass women who have had life changing results in life and business.

Becoming a badass woman only requires a bit of focused effort and a powerfully held belief that you can become the highest version of yourself, no matter where you're at right now. The question is, will you become her? Or will you stay the same?

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