How it works:

Register for the challenge. 👆🏻👆🏽👆🏿 You know, up there.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll get an email to kickoff day one.

Each day for 5 days, you will receive an email from LeadHer Publishing.
(Make sure we’re on your safe list!)
Each email will contain one challenge for you to complete.

Complete each daily task.
The challenge doesn’t work unless you do, honey! This book isn’t going to write itself…

That’s it!
By the end of your 5 days, you should have a manuscript with at least 10,000 words written.
We’ll send a follow up to check-in after 30 days and remind you to keep going (in case you need an extra push!). If nothing else, this should motivate you to GET GOING, BITCH.

I mean… listen. It’s a free challenge, babe. What have you got to lose? If you’re serious about writing a book and publishing it… you have to START WRITING THE BOOK!
Let us help you get that going, ok?